Veber QK76

Veber QK76

The Weber QR well device detects gamma radiation signals from oil wells. The device provides the necessary research materials for operation in drilling, exploration and production wells. The Weber QR device is placed on top of the set when used in a set of well tools. Vibration resistance was preferred when designing the device.

General Information

The Weber QR well device detects gamma radiation signals from oil wells. The device provides the necessary research materials for operation in drilling, exploration and production wells. The Weber QR device is placed on top of the assembly when operated in a set of well tools.

The standard operating mode of the Weber QR well device is to transmit pulse signals with a logging cable. When connected to a set of devices, it is desirable to transmit signals in the form of direct current. In this case, the multivibrator replaces the measuring module and signal frequencies by forming a linear module with direct current signals.

When transmitting overhead DC signals via cable, the Weber QR device is supplied with alternating current power via wires 4 and 6 from above. Thus, the telemetry adapter becomes a DICT CURRENT SIGNAL output.



Ölçmə diapazonu

QK  0-200 APİ(~0-20 mkr)


QK   0,5 %

Yazma sürəti

700 m/saata qədər

Xarici diametr  92,1 mm

Çəkisi  54,4 kq

Uzunluğu 2570 mm

Maksimal temperatur 204 °С

Maksimal təzyiq 138 MPa

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